
About the Library

IIM Jammu Library acts as a learning resource centre for the IIM Jammu academic fraternity. The objective of the library is to facilitate appropriate and user-friendly access to current and relevant information to its patrons. The Library holds a rich collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, E-Databases, E-journals, reports, case studies, etc.  The library is subscribing electronic resources like Elsevier Science Direct, Emerald Management E- Journals, EBSCO Business Source Complete, ABI Inform (ProQuest), Bloomberg Terminal, ACE Equity Databases, CMIE- ProwessIQ and indiastat.com. IIMJ Library is fully computerized library using an Open Source Software KOHA-LMS for its housekeeping operations. The Library offers convenient campus-wide access to digital resources through its subscription to e-databases & e-journals and also facilitate to finds out the real-time availability of library materials from their own computer terminals.

  • Objectives:-
    • To develop appropriate collections in various disciplines for satisfying the needs of the diverse clientele of the libraries.
    • To facilitate appropriate and user-friendly access to current and relevant information to its patrons.
    • To provide reading, lending, reference, information and documentation facilities to all categories of users.
    • To provide documentation and comprehensive reference/information services.
    • To support the educational and information need of the institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information.