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Muqbil Burhan

Business Policy, Strategy & Entrepreneurship

Ph.D., IIT Delhi

Details to be updated soon

  • Burhan, M. Technology Appropriation in Public Funded Research Organizations: An Empirical Evidence using Patent. Academy of management Annual Conference Academy of Management Boston:
  • Burhan, M. & Jain, S. K. • Patent Portfolio Management for Sustainable Business Growth. International conference on sustainability IIM Shillong IIM Shillong IIM Shillong:
  • Burhan, M. Postal Sector as Viable e-Government Partners. Trends in Postal Sector Conference , 2012 EPFL Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland:
  • Burhan, M. & jain, S. K. Factors affecting Patent Portfolios in Public Research: A Case of Public Funded Research Organizations in Emerging Economy. Academy of Internaltional Business (AIB) Conference 2016 Academy of International Business (AIB) Fox Business School Philadelphia USA:
  • Finger, M., Buckovic, B. & Burhan, M. (2014). Posts in digital Age Netherlands: IOS Press, Netherlands
  • Burhan, M. (2014). Postal Operators as Viable e-Government Partners: A Case Study of Three Major Postal Operators, Posts in digital Age (pp. 120-142 ). IOS Press, Netherlands

Business & Corporate Strategy

Technology Innovations

Managing Intellectual Property Rights

Mergers & Acquistions




Gap/Need Analysis

Impact Evaluation

Intellectual Property Analysis/Consultancy

Corporate & Business Strategy



International Faculty Fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge USA

International Research fellow at College of Management of Technology, EPFL Switzerland 

Academy of International business (AIB)

Academy of Management (AoM)

Strategy Management Society (SMS)

Strategy Management Forum (SMF)